Possible to use Win Client without UAC / Admin Permissions?

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Possible to use Win Client without UAC / Admin Permissions?

Post by radza » Thu Oct 05, 2023 9:02 am

Hi there,

I stumbled upon this project today, while researching for a task I was assigned to at work. I am a sysadmin in a small software developing company.

We are currently looking for solutions to make our (20 year old) product "cloud-usable".

Its a local network application that uses direct TCP/IP connections like Postgres, Firebird SQL, Glassfish Java Application Server, etc. It uses around 15 different ports.

We tested HAProxy in TCP mode, which worked fine but is just to bloated with all those different listeners for each port.
We thought about VPN solutions to integrate in our Launcher, but stopped looking, because we don't want any kind of Admin Prompt from a Windows UAC. The Client must be able to start our application and connect without UAC asking for permissions. So altering the Routing Table or installing a TAP Device will not work for us.

My question is: Can we use Softether for our use case? Is it possible to set up an Infrastructure, that provides easy and secure access to Windows Clients tunneling public internet without altering Routes on the device? There cannot be any UAC prompt on the client. I don't know of any VPN solution that would work this way, but as far as I understood Softether, there might be a way I cannot comprehend yet ;-)

I am looking forward to any kind of help you're willing to give me.

Thank you very much in advance.

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Re: Possible to use Win Client without UAC / Admin Permissions?

Post by solo » Thu Oct 05, 2023 10:19 am

SoftEther Client's virtual NIC installation requires admin permissions, but SoftEther Bridge in user mode does not. Try to restructure VPN access with the bridge, read https://www.softether.org/index.php?tit ... Permission

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Re: Possible to use Win Client without UAC / Admin Permissions?

Post by radza » Thu Oct 05, 2023 11:50 am

Is SoftEther Bridge something that runs on the Client or the Server?

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