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How to set public IP for tap devices

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2018 4:28 am
by parwin

I really need help about my vpn server.

I have VPN server (SoftEther) that currently installed on my ec2 instance (OS Ubuntu)

I have 2 virtual hubs that I already set local bridge to separate tap interfaces.

I do have concern about how to set public ip for that tap interfaces. ( i should have 2 public ip address since i have 2 tap devices)

Kindly need step by step how to get it done.

Thank you.

Re: How to set public IP for tap devices

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:19 am
by cmd wh0ami
I use dnsmasq to push public ip's to the client connecting to tap_interface. To push a public ip to tap_interface it's self I use the /etc/init.d/vpnserver script by adding this code below.

Code: Select all


# Assign $TAP_ADDR to our tap interface
/sbin/ifconfig $TAP_INTERFACE $TAP_ADDR
# IPv6
# This is the IP we use to reply DNS requests.
/sbin/ifconfig $TAP_INTERFACE inet6 add $IPV6_ADDR
# Without assigning the whole /64 subnet, Softether doesn't give connecting clients IPv6 addresses.
/sbin/ifconfig $TAP_INTERFACE inet6 add $IPV6_SUBNET

Re: How to set public IP for tap devices

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 12:21 pm
by parwin
Thanks for the response.

do you mind to share with me about step by step to push the ip public from dnsmaq

if we already using dnsmasq, should we still using the script that you've provided ??


Re: How to set public IP for tap devices

Posted: Wed Nov 28, 2018 11:32 pm
by cmd wh0ami
1st you install dnsmasq...

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yum install dnsmasq
Then you change the dnsmasq.conf to dnsmasq.backup to get it out of the way.

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 mv /etc/dnsmasq.conf /etc/dnsmasq.backup
Then you make a dnsmasq.conf like this.

Code: Select all

# SoftEther VPN server dnsmasq.conf
################################################################################## Interface Settings

# If you want dnsmasq to listen for DHCP and DNS requests only on
# specified interfaces (and the loopback) give the name of the
# interface (eg eth0) here.
# Repeat the line for more than one interface.

# If you want dnsmasq to really bind only the interfaces it is listening on,
# uncomment this option. About the only time you may need this is when
# running another nameserver on the same machine.

################################################################################## Options

# Uncomment this to enable the integrated DHCP server, you need
# to supply the range of addresses available for lease and optionally
# a lease time. If you have more than one network, you will need to
# repeat this for each network on which you want to supply DHCP
# service.

# Override the default route supplied by dnsmasq, which assumes the
# router is the same machine as the one running dnsmasq.

# If you don't want dnsmasq to poll /etc/resolv.conf or other resolv
# files for changes and re-read them then uncomment this.

# If you don't want dnsmasq to read /etc/resolv.conf or any other
# file, getting its servers from this file instead (see below), then
# uncomment this.

# Disable re-use of the DHCP servername and filename fields as
# extra option space. This makes extra space available in the
# DHCP packet for options but can, rarely, confuse old or broken
# clients. This flag forces "simple and safe" behavior to avoid
# problems in such a case.

# Never forward addresses in the non-routed address spaces.

# Do router advertisements for all subnets where we're doing DHCPv6
# Unless overridden by ra-stateless, ra-names, et al, the router
# advertisements will have the M and O bits set, so that the clients
# get addresses and configuration from DHCPv6, and the A bit reset, so the
# clients don't use SLAAC addresses.

# Enable DHCPv6. Note that the prefix-length does not need to be specified
# and defaults to 64 if missing/
dhcp-range=::100,::1ff,constructor:tap_soft, 64, 12h

################################################################################## External DNS Servers

# Use this DNS servers for incoming DNS requests = Cloudflare

# Use these IPv6 DNS Servers for lookups = Cloudflare


################################################################################## Client DNS Servers

# Let's send these DNS Servers to clients.
# The first IP is the IPv4 address that are already assigned to the tap_soft

# Set IPv4 DNS server for client machines

# Send DHCPv6 option for namservers as the machine running
# dnsmasq and another.

Then you make a /etc/init.d/vpnserver init script like this.

Code: Select all

# Provides:          vpnserver
# Required-Start:    $network $remote_fs
# Required-Stop:     $network $remote_fs
# Default-Start:     2 3 4 5
# Default-Stop:      0 1 6
# Short-Description: SoftEther VPN Server


test -x $DAEMON || exit 0
case "$1" in
$DAEMON start
touch $LOCK
sleep 3
#       Rules for IPTables.
# Assign $TAP_ADDR to our tap interface
/sbin/ifconfig $TAP_INTERFACE $TAP_ADDR
# IPv6
# This is the IP we use to reply DNS requests.
/sbin/ifconfig $TAP_INTERFACE inet6 add $IPV6_ADDR
# Without assigning the whole /64 subnet, Softether doesn't give connecting clients IPv6 addresses.
/sbin/ifconfig $TAP_INTERFACE inet6 add $IPV6_SUBNET
#       End of IPTables Rules
sleep 3
service dnsmasq start
$DAEMON stop
rm $LOCK
$DAEMON stop
sleep 3
$DAEMON start
sleep 3
#       Rules for IPTables.
# Assign $TAP_ADDR to our tap interface
/sbin/ifconfig $TAP_INTERFACE $TAP_ADDR
# IPv6
# This is the IP we use to reply DNS requests.
/sbin/ifconfig $TAP_INTERFACE inet6 add $IPV6_ADDR
# Without assigning the whole /64 subnet, Softether doesn't give connecting clients IPv6 addresses.
/sbin/ifconfig $TAP_INTERFACE inet6 add $IPV6_SUBNET
#       End of IPTables Rules
sleep 3
service dnsmasq restart
echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart}"
exit 1
exit 0
Then you enable forwarding for IPv4 and IPv6 in sysctl.config

Code: Select all

vi /etc/sysctl.config
then add this to the config file.

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net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1
and load the changes by

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sysctl -p
Then you restart the vpnserver.

Code: Select all

service vpnserver restart
Then you finish it off with some NAT in iptables

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# NAT using Local Bridge
# = Local Bridge & SoftEther VPN Clients (dnsmasq)
# = SoftEther VPN Server's network interface (Local IP if behind NAT or Public IP of VPS)
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -j SNAT --to-source

# NAT using Local Bridge
# fc00:0000:2ac:7af1::/64 = Local Bridge & SoftEther VPN Clients (dnsmasq)
# 2603:6001:3c8a:700:596a:2ebc:472:7be6 = SoftEther VPN Server's network interface Global Unicast
ip6tables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s fc00:0000:2ac:7af1::/64 -j SNAT --to-source 2603:6001:3c8a:700:596a:2ebc:472:7be6
If you can't figure it out from this... You might want to stick with SecureNAT and the virtual dhcp server function.

Re: How to set public IP for tap devices

Posted: Sat Jan 19, 2019 9:25 am
by parwin
thank you so much for your help.