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Ping issues !

Posted: Sat Jul 26, 2014 9:00 pm
by ADN
I see on each server its ping but i think its wrong or not accurate don't know how it be calculated or or what depends for example server in japan show 41 ping but when i connect to it then test ping on site or by comand prompt i see big difference like 500 or more ms , this happen for most servers except few ones , i thing problem with vbpn gate plug in or the sereveres itself donnnu , can any one give me a solution ?

Re: Ping issues !

Posted: Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:25 pm
by ADN
Is it so hard ?

Re: Ping issues !

Posted: Fri Nov 28, 2014 11:51 am
by BoredAus
The pings you are talking about from VPNGate are not the pings based on your IP address. SoftEther VPN server with VPNGate plugin is setup to ping with Google DNS server, from there the latencies are calculated and then most likely sent off to VPNGate's master server.

In addition to the pings are not based on client's IP irrespective if they are using SoftEther VPN, some other VPN, L2TP, etc software or none if the ping is indicated to be some really high number when it is not meant to be high it could be that the server is facing some heavy traffic and is therefore slower to respond to the ping or it could be some activity going on in between the connection from the VPNGate server to Google DNS and hence would increase the time it takes for the ping to be received.

A ping from your connection to any VPNGate server would be completely different to how VPNGate server is set up to ping. Therefore it is best for you to ping something like Google DNS and then compare your latency with a VPNGate server. However keep in mind that a ping is not some sort of guaranteed latency between you and your destination host. A traceroute or tracert would potentially give you a more complete overview of your connectivity with your destined host.