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Softether VPN speed compared to OpenVpn

Posted: Tue Apr 12, 2016 12:49 pm
by wvalcke
Hi all SoftEther VPN users

I've tested a SoftEther VPN setup on a Linux host. (version 4.18 build 9570)
The VPN server has a bridge connection via a dedicated network card.
All functionality works but i saw the following :
A SoftEther VPN client : when copying from a Win file server on the network-> 30 kb/s

The same client PC, but now using native OpenVpn client and connecting to the same VPN server (also running on another port native OpenVpn server) -> copying file speed now 250 Kb/s !

The Softether hub has no virtual NAT activated, or anything else special.

Although the softether VPN doc states that speed is higher than OpenVpn, i do see the opposite.

Anyone an idea where to look, or which settings could be checked ? I would at least expect that SoftEther VPN is as fast as the native OpenVpn server.

Best regards,

Re: Softether VPN speed compared to OpenVpn

Posted: Wed Apr 13, 2016 5:25 pm
by wvalcke
Further testing investigation :

Using a Win7 PC and vmware running a Linux mint installation
In the vmware a VPN tunnel is setup, download speed via FTP : 143 KB/s

On the same computer, native Win client SoftEther, VPN tunnel to same server, of course using same internet connection: same FTP test: 25KB/s !!!

There is definitely something wrong in the Windows software of softether client.

Re: Softether VPN speed compared to OpenVpn

Posted: Tue May 10, 2016 5:49 am
by thisjun
Please show connection method (UDP? TCP? via VPNAzure?).
Could you show a server log?