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VPN stopped working - NIC card is not recognized anymore

Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 3:21 pm
by gleonlo24

I´ve been using SoftEther VPN Server for more than a year in a PC with Windows 10.
Suddenly it stopped working, checking configuration I saw there is no local bridge, tried to create a new one but now I cannot find a NIC card.
The PC is working allright, NIC card is ok, can connect to internet, other user see the PC and are able to see directories, etc, but NIC card is not seen in SoftEther.

Somebody had the same problem?

Attached is screenshot when everything was OK.
Now in Set Local Bridge I cannot find NIC card


Re: VPN stopped working - NIC card is not recognized anymore

Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2018 7:13 am
by thisjun
Could you try to re-install the driver of the NIC?