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OpenVPN and SoftEther VPN on MacOS/Windows AD

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 2:55 pm
by WizIT
Good Morning all,
I am new to this forum and SoftEther VPN.I come across SoftEther VPN site, when exploring how to implement OpenVPN on MacOS. It seems that SoftEther VPN has lots of great features with Windows AD as well as MacOS support.
Currently, there is OpenVPN Server running on Linux Server in our TestingLab, which is used by Windows client as well as MacOS client to access TestLab resources(files/folder/computers) over OpenVPN. Windows client are using OpenVPN connect while MacOS are using Tunnelblick(another great VPN application on MacOS).
My question to SoftEther VPN users/admin - How can I configure(Install/Use) SoftEther VPN in my TestingLab without modifying existing configurations for testing and evaluating SoftEther VPN (may be as relay VPN or just to control or monitor exiting VPN settings)? Please suggest. Thanks!

Re: OpenVPN and SoftEther VPN on MacOS/Windows AD

Posted: Thu Aug 10, 2023 3:47 pm
by solo
OpenVPN Clone Function for Compatibility with OpenVPN Technologies, Inc.'s implementation.
Default Ports:
TCP 443, 992 and 5555
UDP: 1194
If your existing configurations use any of these ports, change them in SoftEther and then you can test it out without conflicts.