Detailed debug mode for client and/or server

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Detailed debug mode for client and/or server

Post by dsholm » Thu Aug 17, 2023 10:39 pm

This is all I get for my troubles and no idea how to increase logging details other than useless packet captures (post auth information only)

Server Log:
2023-08-17 18:32:39.033 On the TCP Listener (Port 443), a Client (IP address ##PUBLICIP##, Host name "##PUBLICFQDN##", Port number 43667) has connected.
2023-08-17 18:32:39.033 For the client (IP address: ##PUBLICIP##, host name: "##PUBLICFQDN##", port number: 43667), connection "CID-432290" has been created.
2023-08-17 18:32:39.053 Connection "CID-432290" has been terminated.
2023-08-17 18:32:39.053 The connection with the client (IP address ##PUBLICFQDN##, Port number 43667) has been disconnected.

Client Log:
2023-08-17 18:32:07.298 VPN Connection Setting "##CONNECTIONNAME##": The connection has been either disconnected or it failed. Cause: Connection to the server failed. Check network connection and make sure that address and port number of destination server are correct. (code 1)
2023-08-17 18:32:22.300 VPN Connection Setting "##CONNECTIONNAME##": Connection operation starting (this is now 35 times).

Not very useful.

Is there a way to increase logging?

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